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  • Get Imaginative:

When it comes to remembering important things, let your creativity shine! Create mental images that are either hilariously quirky or bizarre. Your brain adores the unusual, funny, or even the slightly spooky—details that stand out tend to stick around.

  • List It Out:

Keep your brain free for the really important stuff by making lists. Jot down your tasks and reminders, giving your mind some breathing space for more critical matters.

  • Snooze for Success:

Make sure you're getting those precious Zzz's. Your brain uses sleep hours to download information into its long-term memory. Sweet dreams can mean sharper memories!

  • Divide and Conquer:

Faced with a long, intimidating string of numbers or letters, like a phone number? Break it down into smaller, bite-sized chunks. Remember, our brains love digestible pieces of info!

  • Repeat, Repeat, Repeat:

Make repetition your memory's best friend. Review what you've learned the next day for a few minutes, and then revisit it a week later. Your brain will thank you for the reminder.

  • Take Breaks That Boost:

Dive into the deep end of studying? Schedule a breather every forty minutes. Use this time to stretch, walk, or switch gears entirely. When you return to your books, you'll be refreshed and more focused.

  • Banish Last-Minute Panic:

Don't rely on last-minute cramming—it's rarely effective. Give yourself ample time to understand and regularly review the material. Your memory will thank you later.

  • Flex Those Memory Muscles:

Turn memorization into a fun exercise! Challenge yourself by memorising new lyrics or poems every few days. Write them down or recite them aloud—it's a brain workout you'll enjoy.

  • Stress Less, Remember More:

Simplify your daily schedule, delegate tasks, get moving, and practise daily meditation. Stress can be a memory thief, affecting your concentration and clear thinking. Keep your memory in top shape by reducing stress.

  • Teach and Thrive:

Find a study buddy or someone to chat with and teach them what you're learning. Sharing your knowledge not only helps you understand it better but also tells your brain it's worth remembering. Memory win-win!

Stephen Fourie
Post by Stephen Fourie
November 22, 2023
Results-driven COO turned Consultant & Investor | Scaling $500K-$3M revenue businesses to $10M+ | Expert in AI, tech, automation & growth strategy | Building a portfolio of companies through strategic acquisitions