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Let’s be honest - time is the real currency in our lives. It zooms by (no pun intended...), and we often find ourselves wishing for a pause button. While we can’t conjure up extra hours or slow down the tick-tock of the clock, we can surely make every minute count. Here are some steps to help you boss your day:


Night Before Notes

Before you hit the hay, jot down what’s on the plate for tomorrow. Round up any info, contacts or papers you’ll need. Giving future you a head start.


Priority Hierarchy:

Rank your to-dos and tackle the tough cookies first. It’s tempting to knock off easy tasks, but clearing the more difficult tasks will lift a weight off your shoulders and motivate you for the rest of the day.


Stick to the list:

Glide through your list, ticking off tasks and shooing away distractions. You don't need to reply to every email or text that pings in. Allocate a time to check your messages, maybe every hour or whatever feels good.


The Three 'A's :

It’s simple - Act, Assign, or Abandon. When something lands on your desk, decide on the spot - handle it, give it to someone else, or bin it. Only if it's something only you can do, then roll up those sleeves and dive in. 


Procrastination? Please!

Procrastination nibbles away at your time. Push it to the curb by tackling tasks head-on. Do it now, thank yourself later!


Time to relax:

Pencil in some “me-time” for a little R&R, workout, retail therapy, or whatever tickles your fancy. It’s all about that balanced diet of work and play, right?


Be honest:

Every now and then, take a breather and ask, “Is what I’m doing moving me closer to my goals?” If it’s a no, switch lanes and reroute. Your journey, your rules!

These simple tweaks can set you on the path to seizing your day. 

Stephen Fourie
Post by Stephen Fourie
October 4, 2023
Results-driven COO turned Consultant & Investor | Scaling $500K-$3M revenue businesses to $10M+ | Expert in AI, tech, automation & growth strategy | Building a portfolio of companies through strategic acquisitions