Having been on this entrepreneurial journey for almost two decades, one thing that I've heard but never really fully applied is how your health and vitality have an effect on everything you do.
I'm really not sure why it's taken this long for me to truly understand and apply, but nevertheless, thought I'd share my thoughts on this.
Back in 2016 I attended one of Tony Robbins' UPW events in London. This event was phenomenal. Ultimately the key takeaway for me was that I need to boost my vitality and energy levels if I'm going to be able to achieve all the things I want to achieve.
One of the major changes I made after that event was I became vegetarian, leaning heavily to fully plant-based, avoiding dairy, etc where I could (but not always).
This was a big change for me, as being South African, having a braai (BBQ) and eating a lot of steaks was common practice.
One of the most important differences this made in my life is that I got sick a whole lot less often. Things like the flu and head colds almost never happened, and I was just generally healthier.
This made a great impact on what I was able to achieve.
Of course, there was more...
A couple of months ago we hosted Eric Edmeades at one of our summits, and he spoke about health and food, and the relationship we have with food.
So 8 weeks ago I started his program called WildFit (getwildfit.com). It's a 12-week program, so I still have a few weeks to go to complete it, but I can tell you a few things so far:
I've cut out caffeine for over a month and changed my diet cutting out all sugars and processed foods as well.
I'm sleeping better than ever, have more energy, and my energy levels are more stable throughout the day.
And I'm feeling super productive now with stable energy and no need for coffee to get me through the day.
So to cut a long short story long... I truly believe that as an entrepreneur, or in fact as anyone who wants to achieve anything, looking after your health and vitality and ensuring you have strong levels of consistent energy is critical to achieving the things you want to.
Look after your health. And I really believe this starts with the foods you eat and how you fuel your body.
August 15, 2021